SunBiz Handyman

Roof Repair

Is your roof looking a little dilapidated or started to leak? Don’t wait any longer for the issue to worsen and give us a call right now to get help. We will get your roof looking and performing good as new asap!

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(727) 607-7437

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Roof repair in St. Petersburg, FL, is crucial for maintaining the safety, durability, and aesthetic appeal of your home. The most common types of roofs in the area include asphalt shingles, metal roofing, tile, and flat roofs. Asphalt shingles are popular for their affordability and ease of repair, while metal roofs offer exceptional durability and energy efficiency. Tile roofs provide a classic, elegant look and long lifespan, and flat roofs are favored for their modern appearance and versatility. Regular roof repairs address issues such as leaks, damaged shingles, and structural weaknesses, preventing more extensive and costly damage over time. Timely repairs also enhance your home’s energy efficiency by improving insulation and reducing cooling costs. Overall, maintaining a well-repaired roof not only protects your property but also boosts its value and curb appeal.

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16+ Years of Experience

With over 16 years of handyman experience in the St. Petersburg area, Sunbiz Handyman has the experience needed to tackle all of your projects with ease and precision.

Propt Services

We understand that your project is of the utmost importance. That is why for ever job we handle we make a promise to our customers to be there as quickly as possible and get the job done right the first time.

Verified Professionals

Our vision is to become the number 1 trusted handyman company in the entire St. Petersburg, FL area. We aim to please with our top tier services and affordable rates! Get in touch with us today to get a free quote!

What Types of Floors Can We Repair?

Asphalt Shingle Roof Repair

Asphalt Shingle Roofs

Asphalt shingle roofs are popular for their affordability, ease of installation, and variety of styles and colors. They typically last 15-30 years and are relatively simple to repair, with damaged shingles easily replaced. The benefits include good weather resistance and aesthetic versatility. However, they can be prone to wind damage and may require more frequent maintenance compared to other materials.

Metal Roof Repair

Metal Roofs

Metal roofs are known for their durability, energy efficiency, and long lifespan, often lasting 40-70 years. They are resistant to extreme weather and fire. Repairs can involve addressing issues like leaks or replacing damaged panels. While metal roofs are more expensive initially, their longevity and low maintenance requirements make them cost-effective over time. They can be noisy during rain and require proper insulation to mitigate this.

Tile Roofs

Tile roofs, made from clay or concrete, offer a classic, elegant look and exceptional durability, lasting 50-100 years. They are resistant to fire and harsh weather conditions. Repairs usually involve replacing broken tiles. The benefits include longevity and low maintenance, but they are heavy and require a strong supporting structure, making installation more complex and expensive.


Slate Roofs

Slate roofs provide a luxurious, timeless appearance and can last over 100 years. Extremely durable and fire-resistant, slate roofs require minimal maintenance. Repairing a slate roof involves replacing damaged tiles, which can be costly due to the material’s weight and the need for skilled labor. While they are among the most expensive roofing options, their unmatched longevity and aesthetic appeal justify the investment.


Flat Roofs

Flat roofs are common in commercial buildings and modern residential designs, covered with materials like EPDM, TPO, PVC, or modified bitumen. They typically last 10-30 years. Repairs often involve fixing leaks and ensuring proper drainage. Benefits include easier accessibility and lower installation costs. However, flat roofs can be prone to water pooling and require regular maintenance to prevent issues.

Clay Roofs

Clay roofs offer a distinctive, rustic look and are highly durable, lasting 50-100 years. They are resistant to fire, insects, and rot. Repairs usually involve replacing broken tiles, which can be straightforward but requires care due to the material’s fragility. While installation costs are high, clay roofs require minimal maintenance and provide excellent insulation, making them energy-efficient.

Commercial Roof Repair

Commercial Roofs

Commercial roofs vary widely, including flat, metal, and membrane roofing systems. Their lifespan and maintenance needs depend on the material used, ranging from 10-50 years. Repairs can involve fixing leaks, addressing drainage issues, and replacing damaged sections. The benefits of commercial roofing include durability and the ability to cover large areas efficiently. However, they require regular inspections and maintenance to ensure longevity.

Residential Roofs

Residential roofs encompass a variety of materials such as asphalt shingles, metal, tile, and slate. Lifespans range from 15 to over 100 years, depending on the material. Repairs typically involve replacing damaged sections and ensuring structural integrity. The benefits include enhanced curb appeal, protection from weather, and energy efficiency. Each type of residential roof has its pros and cons, such as cost, maintenance requirements, and durability, making it important to choose the right material for your home’s specific needs.

Count on us for all your handyman services.

Give us a call right now to get in touch with one of our technicians to get your roof repair project started. We will help you get your roof back to looking as good as the day it was installed on your home!

We have a reliable crew that specializes in outdoor and indoor projects and home maintenance.

At Sunbiz Handyman, we recognize that finding reliable home service contractors can be challenging. That’s why we, a dedicated husband and wife team, founded our business with a clear mission: to provide exceptional handyman services you can trust. Having recently moved from the West Coast, we bring fresh perspectives and a commitment to excellence to the St. Petersburg, FL area. Our extensive experience and passion for quality ensure every job is done right the first time, saving you time and hassle. We pride ourselves on attention to detail, personalized service, and unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction. Choose Sunbiz Handyman for dependable, professional, and friendly service that stands out in the local market.


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